Nov 23, 2011

Converting the wallet into java key store in Oracle B2B 11g

Certificate management in 11g B2B follows a standard mechanism using Java Key store(JKS), which enables to use a common key store across the enterprise to be shared with other java based application.

Below are the steps to convert wallet into keystore.

1. Login to SOAB2B 10g server

2. Export the ewallet.p12 file in /app/oracle/product/APP/10.1.2/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.wlt/default/ewallet.p12 into SOAB2B 11g server

3. Login to SOAB2B 11g server

4. Set JAVA_HOME if it’s not set already (export JAVA_HOME=

5. Go to the path /oracle_common/bin/orapki

6. Run the command ./orapki wallet pkcs12_to_jks -wallet /tmp/ewallet.p12 -pwd  -jksKeyStoreLoc /tmp/test.jks -jksKeyStorepwd welcome1

7. Now the wallet file from B2B 10g is converted into JKS in B2B 11g and stored in /tmp location. Passowrd of your JKS is welcome1

8. Now we need to provide this file path in the Host trading partner in the B2B console

Provide Key Store Information for the Host Trading Partner

You can choose any Key Store for Oracle B2B. If you are using SSL, using the same Key Store for both B2B and Oracle WebLogic Server SSL configuration is recommended to avoid SSL-related problems when exchanging messages with trading partners.

9. Click the Partners link.

10. Click the Profile tab.

11. Select the host trading partner
12. In the Key Store section, provide a password and location, as shown below

13. Click Save.

14. This will enable the different certificate options in the trading partner delivery channel which will be disabled by default