Dec 28, 2010

Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g–PART IV–Creating Repositories

Configuring schema

Now, create the database schema for the BAM and SOA servers.

1. To create the new schema, open a command window and enter the following:

cd c:\stageSOA\rcuHome\bin rcu.bat

2. The bat command returns to the prompt immediately and, after a few seconds, the Repository Creation Utility opens (if you just ran the utility to drop the schema, it opens the second time much more quickly).

3. On the Welcome screen, click on Next.


4. Select Create and click on Next.


5. Enter the database information


6. Click on Next.

7. The pre-requisites are reviewed. When complete, click on OK. The utility moves to the next page—with a slight delay, just wait for it.

8. On the Select Components screen, enter DEV in the field for creating a new prefix.

9. Select the component SOA Infrastructure or whichever component you want to install. Dependent schemas are selected automatically.


10. Click on Next.

11. The pre-requisites for this step are checked. When completed, click on OK.

12. Select the radio button to Use the same password for all schemas. Enter a schema password. The password welcome1 is assumed in this document but you should choose your own secure password or a different one for each schema and be sure to record your passwords as you will need them later.


13. Click on Next.

14. Review the tablespaces and schema owners for the components.


15. Accepting the defaults, click on Next, and then click on OK to create the tablespaces.

16. When the pre-requisites for this step are completed, click on OK.


17. Click on Create to create the tablespaces. This takes about two minutes.

18. When completed, click on Close.

Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g–PART III–Installing WebLogic Server


1. To install WebLogic Server, open a command window and enter:

cd c:\your_softwares_directory wls1033_oepe111150_win32.exe

2. When the Welcome screen for the install wizard comes up, click on Next.


3. Select Create a new Middleware Home and enter: C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gR1(This is your Oracle Middleware home which has lot of space, so select carefully)


4. If you wish to receive any updates enter your email and other details. Or else just ignore and press next


5. Choose "Typical" Install Type


6. Don't change anything and press next


7. Press Next. If you want don't want to create shortcuts for all users select second option


8. Press Next and all the components will be installed. Installation takes about three minutes.


9. When the installation is complete, deselect the Run Quickstart checkbox and click on Done.

Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g–PART II–Installing the Database

Steps to do before Installing the Database:

Installing on DHCP Computers

Check if you are installing on DHCP Computers simply means you are installing on a external internal provider who provides dynamic IP address. Normally it will be dynamic address unless and otherwise you buy static IP address.

If it's a DHCP computer then Install Loopback Adapter before moving forward

Adding Domain Name along with Computer name

a. Open System in the Control Panel, and select the Computer Name tab.(or Right click on "My Computer" and go to properties. In Full computer name, make sure you see the host name and the

domain name, for example,

b. Click Change. In Computer name, you should see the host name, and in Full

computer name, you should see the host name and domain name.

c. Click More. In Primary DNS suffix of this computer, you should see the

domain name, for example, or else enter domain name. You have to restart the machine to make it effective.

Steps to Install Loopback Adapter on Windows XP

1. Open the Windows Control Panel.

2. Double-click Add Hardware to start the Add Hardware wizard.

3. In the Welcome window, click Next.

4. In the Is the hardware connected? window, select Yes, I have already connected

the hardware, and click Next.

5. In the The following hardware is already installed on your computer window, in

the list of installed hardware, select Add a new hardware device, and click Next.

6. In the The wizard can help you install other hardware window, select Install the

hardware that I manually select from a list, and click Next.

7. From the list of common hardware types, select Network adapters, and click Next.

8. In the Select Network Adapter window, make the following selections:

Manufacturer: Select Microsoft.

Network Adapter: Select Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

9. Click Next.

10. In the The wizard is ready to install your hardware window, click Next.

11. In the Completing the Add Hardware Wizard window, click Finish.

12. Right-click My Network Places on the desktop and choose Properties.

13. Right-click the connection that was just created. This is usually named "Local Area

Connection 2". Choose Properties.

14. On the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and click Properties.

15. In the Properties dialog box, click Use the following IP address and do the


a. IP Address: Enter a non-routable IP for the loopback adapter. Oracle recommends the following non-routable addresses:

– 192.168.x.x (x is any value between 0 and 255)


b. Subnet mask: Enter

c. Record the values you entered, which you need later in this procedure.

d. Leave all other fields empty.

e. Click OK.

16. Click Close.

17. Close Network Connections.

18. Restart the computer.

19. Add a line to the DRIVE_LETTER:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file with the following format, afterthe localhost line:

IP_address hostname.domainname hostname

where:IP_address is the non-routable IP address you entered in step 15.

hostname is the name of the computer.

domainname is the name of the domain.

For example: mycomputer

Installing the Database

1. If you want to receive security updates then enter your details or else ignore the step by clicking next


2. Choose create and configure database and press Next


3. Choose Desktop class and press next


4. Choose oracle base directory where you want to Install the Oracle database. You can allocate one separate drive for all the OFM components and just give the drive letter at the beginning of the location. For Example. just change "D" to whatever you want in the below location and don't alter other paths. Leave other values as is and enter administrative passwords. There is some restrictions for the passwords. But you can ignore that.


5. Press Next and database will be installed and configured.

Post Installation Tasks

Validating Invalid PL/SQL Modules

Oracle recommends running the utlrp.sql script after creating or upgrading a database. This script recompiles all PL/SQL modules that may be in an INVALID state, including packages, procedures, types, and so on. This step is optional, but recommended so that the performance cost of recompilation is incurred during the installation rather than in the future.

1. Start SQL*Plus:

DRIVE_LETTER:\> sqlplus /nolog

2. Connect to the database with the SYS account:


Enter password: SYS_password

3. Start the database (if necessary):


4. Run the utlrp.sql script, which by default is located in ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql. For example:

SQL> @?\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql

Dec 27, 2010

Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g–PART I-Preparing the Installation

I have done the Installation for Windows 7 64 bit Operating System. However below steps can be used to Install any windows Operating System and I will mention if any specific steps needed.

1. Checking the Certification Matrix
Please refer the certification matrix provided by Oracle before starting with the Installation. I had to re install everything just because I didn't go through it properly and I missed some of the notes like Creating Virtual Machine in case of Windows 7 64 Bit OS.
You can find the CertMatrix in the link below
1.1 Important Points from the CertMatrix Excel:
Ø For Windows 7 64 Bit OS users one sad news. You cannot install the OFM 11g directly here. As per the certification matrix -- > This certification is with Windows 7 in XP mode only. So download VMWare and Install 32 bit XP in that, allocate around 30 GB of disk space to that and that's it. You can happily install the software's within that.
Ø Check for JDK Versions too. For Windows 7 64 bit OS users, since you are installing within XP 32 bit OS download 32 bit version of JDK
Ø Most of the Windows Versions supports below database versions. If you are planning to install on non-Oracle DB, then refer "Non Oracle DBs Certification" section in the excel
Ø Supported Browsers -- >
Internet Explorer 7.x
Internet Explorer 8.x
Firefox 3.x
Safari 4.x
That's it from the CertMatrix part. We will move ahead with Downloading the softwares

2. Preparing for the Installation
2.1 Memory and Disk Space requirements
This installation requires 3 GB or more available memory. The installation process requires about 12 GB of disk space. After installation, you can delete the files used by installation to save about 4 GB.
Note: Installation size of 12 GB is only for basic softwares like WebLogic Server, Database and JDeveloper. If you are planning for additional development softwares like IDM,SOA,ODI then you may plan for additional space.
2.2 Downloading the Softwares
Well there are couple of basic software's we need to download to configure OFM 11g.
All the softwares can be downloaded from the link below. You need to have/create Oracle SSO ID to download the softwares

Weblogic(Required) -- This is need to configure weblogic server which can be used to run any development softwares like SOA,ODI,IDM,OSB etc.. Below are the different versions of the softwares you can think of downloading
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.3(preferred) -- This can be used only with 32 bit OS
Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2 -- This can be used only with 32 bit OS -- This can be used with any OS
Note: For Windows 7 64 bit users you can install Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.3 as you are installing within 32 bit Windows XP
RCU(Repository Creation Utility)(Required) -- This is need to create schemas before installing any development softwares like SOA,ODI,IDM etc. For example if you want to Install ODI(Oracle Data Integrator) then this RCU will create master and work repositories for you. You can download below versions of RCU
Note: There is no 64 bit versions or generic versions of RCU. You have to install one of the above mentioned versions
Database(Required) -- Download and Install 11g database(Preferred) or upgrade your existing 10g database to the version required by OFM 11g installation( or install other vendor databases
After these above mentioned downloads you can download your development softwares as required by you. I am using SOA suite and Oracle Data Integrator. So mentioning those here.
SOA Suite(Optional) -- ofm_soa_generic_11.
JDeveloper Studio(Required) – This tool will be used to develop most of the OFM components like SCA,Mediator Services etc. You can download jdevstudio11113install.exe from below link
Oracle Data Integrator 11g(Optional)

Very Important: Just before Downloading please take care of below note

Please download softwares as below mentioned set. Don't mix up the versions as it will create lot of problems and you might have to re install everything from scratch.
Set A:
WebLogic -- Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.3
RCU -- ofm_rcu_win32_11.
SOA Suite -- ofm_soa_generic_11.
SOA Suite -- ofm_soa_generic_11. set, you cannot directly install this version, is pre requisite for this installation)
Set B:
WebLogic -- Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2
RCU -- ofm_rcu_win32_11.1.1.2
SOA Suite -- ofm_soa_generic_11.
For Windows 7 64 Bit I have used Set A.

Jul 14, 2010

ODI: To Check if the source file is Empty and make the Scenario run as successful

Consider the scenario in which you are creating an interface to transfer the data from file to a table. In this case the interface will fail if the file content is empty. We can skip the interface run if the file is empty and make the scenario run successful using the below steps.

Step 1: Create a variable named “CHECK_EMPTYFILE”. Go to Refresh tab and enter the below code.Be sure to select the correct Logical schema where the file exists.

“select C1
from TABLE


Step 2: Use this variable in your package diagram. And on failure just end the scenario session using “ODIWait” command with “0” seconds wait. In this case your Scenario will be success even if the file content is empty in the source


Loading multiple Files into a single table using ODI

Scenario: Consider there are multiple files in the source directory with File naming convention as “test_YYYYMMDD_hhmiss”  and we need to transfer all those files to target using a single interface. We need to follow below steps to achieve that.

Step 1: Get the files from the source server using OdiSFTP command(No need to do this step if the file is in local server)

Step2: Use ODIOSCommand with below parameters:

Command to execute: tail –q -n r /directory/test_YYYYMMDD_hhmiss(here “r” indicates the number of “r-1” number of header lines that to be removed. Suppose there are 3 header lines, then r = 4

directory indicates the source directory). This command will get the concatenated content of all the files in source directory and puts into the Output file.

Output File: /directory/tempfile.txt (This file will contain contents of all the files)

Working directory: /directory/(Source directory name which contains the files)

Step 3:Mention tempfile.txt as the resource name in the File Data store


Step 4:Run the interface using File to SQL knowledge module. This will load the contents of the files into target table.

Assumption: All the files in the source directory has the same file format.

Reducing the size of BPEL Jar File

Some times you might see the size of the BPEL jar file in MB’s like 5 to 10 MB. To eliminate this problem remove “toplink” and “Oracle XML Parser V2” from your library path as explained below

1. Right Click on your BPEL project and click on “Project Properties”


2. Click on Libraries and uncheck the check boxes for “toplink” and “Oracle XML Parser V2” as shown below


This will reduce the size of the BPEL jar significantly